Reference: Élixir de purificacion

Heavenly Shower

Purifies Your Aura Increases Vibration Raises Consciousness
Price €25.00
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Reference: Coeur Divin

Elixir Divine Heart

Deep Emotional Plane Purification Healing of Soul Wounds Opening of the Heart Chakra
Price €21.00
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Reference: Paix Céleste

Celestial Peace

Peace begins with oneself The Celestial Peace Elixir helps you develop Peace, Inner Calm, and Meditation. This elixir, forged in high energies of Peace, will help you develop and strengthen Peace within you. It can be complemented by using the "Virtue of Peace" elixir
Price €25.00
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Reference: Réveil profond

Deep Awakening Elixir

A Tool for Purification and Spiritual Elevation It harmonizes the chakras and meridians, boosts your vibrational level. It helps to solve inner problems and overcome mental obstacles. One of the unique functions of this elixir is to allow your Guardian Angel to come and present themselves to you. About 15 minutes of meditation
Price €33.00
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  • Divine Heart
  • Divine Heart

Elixir Divine Heart

Coeur Divin

Deep Emotional Plane Purification

Healing of Soul Wounds

Opening of the Heart Chakra

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3 10% Up to €6.30
5 25% Up to €26.25
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The Divine Heart elixir allows overcoming and dissolving repressed emotions.

This elixir provides a potent treatment for the heart chakra and emotional wounds.

Once the emotional plane has been pacified, it allows us to go further in the expression of our positive emotions, making us radiate with more balance. It works to release and fluidify the circulation of love in the human being.

On the energetic plane:

  • The Divine Heart elixir activates, purifies, and balances the Heart Chakra, and then strengthens it in the long term.
  • Emotional care occurs as a result of the application that helps dissolve emotional blockages.
  • This elixir also provides care for gaps and fissures in the aura related to shocks on the emotional plane.
  • It is a powerful emotional "RESCUE," adapting to everyone.
  • It allows pacifying feelings of discomfort and lack of affection, facilitating the reconnection to Infinite Love.
  • It can be used during meditation to calm moments of depression.

(Related to Saint Hildegard Von Bingen)

Unlike all the other elixirs, this one can be used without moderation.

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Coeur Divin
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Reference: Élixir de purificacion

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