Reference: Paix Céleste

Celestial Peace

Peace begins with oneself The Celestial Peace Elixir helps you develop Peace, Inner Calm, and Meditation. This elixir, forged in high energies of Peace, will help you develop and strengthen Peace within you. It can be complemented by using the "Virtue of Peace" elixir
Price €25.00
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Reference: Pack Guérison Mentale

Guérison mentale

Libérer l'aura Assainir l'aura pour commencer. Renforcer la Paix Un ensemble de soins pour s'apaiser durablement. Rayonner la Paix Un élixir a porter au quotidien pour rayonner progressivement la paix.
Price €70.00 Regular price €80.00

Reference: Pack Libération Spirituelle

Libération Spirituelle

Ce pack vous permet de recevoir et faire environ 350 soins énergétiques et méditations sur les thèmes suivants :  Réveiller notre potentiel Assainir l'aura pour commencer à s'apaiser. Libérer notre potentiel Dissoudre les blocages que nous générons pour libérer le mental. Libérer notre Conscience Un élixir a porter au quotidien pour rayonner et...
Price €180.00 Regular price €210.00
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Reference: Pack praticien

Pack for Therapists/Reiki

Pack for Therapists Working with Hands and/or Energies Discover our professional pack to optimize and protect your energy healing practices with hands, including Reiki. Specially designed for professionals and practitioners who have physical contact with their patients, this pack offers an exceptional experience. Fully unleash the potential of your hands...
Price €45.00 Regular price €55.00
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Reference: Pack Chemin de Vie

Professional life and fulfillment

Overcoming Obstacles Purifying and freeing ourselves from energy blockages on our life path. Seeing More Clearly Clarifying our vision, adjusting our positioning to align with our path of fulfillment. Moving Forward, Taking Action Releasing our inner Strength, stepping out of our comfort zones to move forward and evolve.
Price €125.00 Regular price €140.00
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Reference: Pack Pro


Purification de haut niveau Se libérer des causes profondes de blocages professionnels. Être centré sur soi Porter et méditer la vertu de Force Avancer avec Courage La Vertu de Courage nous aide à avancer avec élan et détermination sur son chemin
Price €125.00 Regular price €140.00
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Reference: Féminin Sacré

Sacred Feminine - Moon Sky

Sacred Feminine - Moon Sky Purify, Heal, and Learn Developing one's sacred feminine is to awaken forces within ourselves that allow us to evolve our energy as well as our state of being. This elixir allows meditation with 3 Lunar Goddesses who carry the Sacred Feminine. To access a sacred part of one's being, which for most people first needs to be healed...
Price €40.00 Regular price €70.00
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Reference: Masculin Sacré

Sacred Masculine - Sun of Jupiter

Sacred Masculine - Sun of Jupiter Purify, Heal, and Learn Developing one's Sacred Masculine is to awaken within oneself forces that will allow us to evolve our entire energy as well as our state of being. This elixir allows meditation with 3 Deities carriers of the Sacred Masculine. To access a sacred part of one's being, which for most people first...
Price €40.00 Regular price €70.00
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