Reference: Paix Céleste

Celestial Peace

Peace begins with oneself The Celestial Peace Elixir helps you develop Peace, Inner Calm, and Meditation. This elixir, forged in high energies of Peace, will help you develop and strengthen Peace within you. It can be complemented by using the "Virtue of Peace" elixir
Price €25.00
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Offering Elixir

Elixir d'offrande

Making an offering with a sacred elixir

A bottle allows for about 200 high-level offerings.

Energize spring water, bottled water to a high level

Just add a drop to a liter of bottled water quality (not tap water) to make a quality offering.

Volume discounts

Quantity Unit discount You Save
3 10% Up to €10.50
5 25% Up to €43.75
VAT included
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Offering Elixir

Offerings have their origins at the dawn of humanity. Always, humans aware of spiritual Presences, divinities, the divine have sought to commune, to offer with Gratitude a thank you through the gift. Giving to thank all the blessings that the earth has placed on our path.

Energize water to a high level

This elixir has exceptional abilities to energize water to very high levels, equivalent to a vibrational rate of over 100,000%. The offerings it allows are appreciated by Guides and Angels.

A large number of offerings

A single drop is enough for at least 1.5L. There are about 200 drops per 10ml bottle, so the possibility of energizing between 200 and 300L of water to high levels.

When water is energized, the entire room benefits from it.

Usage prerequisites: the water you wish to energize must be pure (spring water or bottled water). That is, you must use, at a minimum, bottled spring water quality. Tap water, having received chemical treatments, will not be suitable.

Attention the water energized by this elix

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Elixir d'offrande
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